Moratorium on the reopening of Cape shuls

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05 June 2020 (13 Sivan 5780)


Gardens, Cape Town, Friday 5 June — This morning, Rael Kaimowitz, chairperson of the Cape
South African Jewish Board of Deputies, met with both the orthodox and progressive
rabbinical leadership as well as shul leadership to discuss the possible reopening of Cape


After a long discussion, a decision was made to put a moratorium in place until 16 June.
Both orthodox and progressive shuls in the Cape are remaining shut at this stage. Further
discussions, including meetings with medical experts and other stakeholders, will take place
next week. The next meeting with rabbinical and shul leadership will take place on 11 June.


It is critically important to us that shuls across the Western Cape strike a balance between
what the Government Gazette prescribes and the life and safety of our community.


If you are quoting this release, quote Stuart Diamond, Executive Director, Cape South African
Jewish Board of Deputies.


Issued byMathilde Myburgh, Communications, Cape SAJBD
Phone: 021 464 6700

Tags :
COVID-19,Cultural Life
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